Statements and Memorials

Just as the apostle Paul at Antioch “opposed him [Peter] to his face because he stood condemned” (Gal. 2:11, CSB) for compromising the gospel of Jesus Christ by subjecting it to racial barriers, so this brief statement opposes the ideas of some contemporary leaders and influencers who are seeking to introduce anti-gospel racial categories into the church.

CREC Book of Memorials

These memorials state the position of the CREC on issues in which a confessional statement has not been made.

MEMORIAL A. Ministerial Training

We believe that ministerial training is best conducted under the oversight of a local session, including an in ...

MEMORIAL B. Confessional Revision

Our process of confessional revision is established so that the differences between our churches may be resolv ...

MEMORIAL C. Christian Education

God has explicitly commanded parents to bring up their children in the education and admonition of the Lord (E ...

MEMORIAL D: Creation in Six Days

God is the Author of history. Poetic descriptions and multivalent meanings of Scriptural history never negate  ...

MEMORIAL E. Terrorism and Warfare

Christians are called by our Lord to be peacemakers. We therefore renounce all acts of aggression and terroris ...

MEMORIAL F. Sexual Perversion

Confessing the Bible to be the authoritative Word of God, we, together with the unanimous testimony of the his ...


Corporate worship on the Lord’s Day is one of our highest privileges and greatest duties. God draws us into  ...

MEMORIAL H. Abortion

Because unborn humans from conception bear the image of God and are innocent of criminal wrongdoing, the act o ...

MEMORIAL I. Human Sexuality

Humans are created in the image of God and, therefore, receive the highest honor among God’s creatures. Huma ...


We believe God made all nations from one man, Adam. These nations were sundered by sin at Babel. But God, by t ...