Feast of Booths

Pastor Booth's Blog

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Pastor Booth has switched his blogging platform from this website to Substack.comAll former blogs can still be found on this page.

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Marrying for Love or Money

“Very few people ever state properly the strong argument in favour of marrying for love or against marrying for money. The argument is not that all lovers are heroes and heroines, nor is it that all dukes are profligates or all millionaires cads. The argument is this,


Ten Things We Do Know

Of all the things there are to know, we know almost nothing about everything (past, present. and future). We are dependent upon our infinite God,


Half Nelson

“You who are content in the places you have made—whose children, perhaps are like olive branches round about your table, whose wives wear silk and


One Flesh

“A husband and wife cannot long exist as one flesh, if they are habitually unkind, rude or untruthful. Every sin breaks down the body of


Get an Anchor

There is the person, as they are now, and then there is the person they are becoming. We’re all on some trajectory, with a million


Created to Worship in Community

The fall into sin wrecked the peace we had with God. True worship was disrupted (and we should remember that worship is the context of


Take One for the Team

The best sports teams are not comprised of individual stars, but rather team players. Likewise, the best army is the army that functions as one,


A Bachelor’s Degree from Church

Each week the church has about an hour-and-a-half to instruct her members by way of Bible studies and a sermon (counting Sunday school, worship, and


Balancing Act

We’re all a bit weird and imbalanced. Isolation magnifies this. We’re aware of some of our lopsidedness, but for much of it we are either


Resurrection Hope

N.T. Wright, in his book, Surprised By Hope, offers some excellent observations concerning the impact of the resurrection upon our present lives: “Jesus’s resurrection is