Covenant Renewal Worship

Christian worship is based on the logical development of the Covenant renewal ceremonies described in the Old Testament. God’s covenant provides the key. Simply stated, the purpose of the Sunday service is covenant renewal. During corporate “worship,” the Lord renews His covenant with His people when He gathers them together and serves them. Consequently, Christian worship should correspond to the following order or shape:

  • God calls us ― we gather together and we praise Him 
  • God cleanses us ― we confess our sins and are forgiven in Christ
  • God consecrates us ― we respond in prayer and offering
  • God communes with us ― we eat God’s food at His Table
  • God commissions (blesses) us ― we march out to serve God

Worship,” Randy Booth

Church Calendar,” Randy Booth


A Guide to Our Worship, GCPC

The Lord’s Service: The Grace of Covenant Renewal Worship, Jeffrey Meyers

The Church Friendly Family, Randy Booth, Rich Lusk


Little Children and the Worship of God,” Randy Booth

Bread and Wine,” Douglas Wilson

10 Reasons to Celebrate the Church Calendar,” Uri Brito